UniTest® RDA allows to simulate real production partitioned by layers, from production well history. The software applies decline type curves analysis (Fetkovich like curves) for solving determined or undetermined (lack of each layer rate information) systems applying certain restrictions.
For different models interpretation UniTest® RDA provides different graphics types: Cartesian, log-log, partition, dimensionless and till complete reservoir-map. By means of manual or automatic (through the software own optimizer) adjustment it's possible to match curves faster, minimizing analysis time.
It allows layer models creation and analysis division in time intervals, for fit model to reality as best as possible.
Rate Decline Type Curve Analysis
Production forecast from rate decline type curves it's an actual common practice of majority petroleum engineers.
There are various empirical methods and there are generally not considered with a scientific base. The results obtained with this type of analysis are subject to a wide range of interpretations, mostly based on the analyzer experience and objectives.
The rate decline type curve analysis not only have a solid fundamental base, but also provides a powerful tool of diagnosis.
The rate decline type curve analysis not only have a solid fundamental base, but also provides a powerful tool of diagnosis. Using material balance and pseudo-stationary state equations, more precise production forecasting results and better estimations of reserves of oil and gas are obtained, in both individual wells and reservoirs.
Also, by means of production history, allows the production and reserves partition layer by layer.
Production Partition
UniTest® RDA allows production partition layer by layer in determined systems (swabbing test performed at each layer) and indeterminate systems (when swabbing test it's performed to all layers as a set); in the last case certain premises are assumed (such as same drainage radius for all layers, for example) to save existing uncertainties.
Data Base
This program allows interaction between data bases such as OFM for production information load quickly and efficiently. Then, to save calculations allows an export to a data base called Results, that can be accessed with another programs.